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Sandy Beach

Constitution and By-Laws




We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Florida East Coast DX Club and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to bring together those amateurs interested in working DX, to enhance the DXCC totals of the members, to promote good DX operating practices, and to encourage amateurs to participate in DXing.



The Club fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31.



There will be three (3) Directors. The three Directors shall be known as the Board of Directors. Directors shall be elected annually, for a term of one year, by secret written ballot at the last regularly scheduled Club meeting of the fourth quarter. Directors shall serve until December 31 of the year of their election. To be eligible to hold an office in the FECDXC, the candidate must have been a member of the FECDXC for at least one year from the date this constitution is approved.



Should any Board seat be vacated for any reason, any eligible Club member who shall be voted upon and approved by the entire remaining Board shall fill the position. This person shall serve the remainder of the current term and then the normal election procedure shall be followed as described within these by-laws.



A. Membership is open to any licensed amateur interested in working DX. Member must be a full-time or part-time Florida resident.

B. All members shall have an equal vote.

C. Membership dues, in an amount to be determined by the Directors and approved by the membership, shall be assessed annually and are payable during the renewal period. The renewal period will be from November 1 through December 31. Funds required for special projects and activities as well as for routine administrative expenses may be raised by voluntary subscription.

D. Member shall complete an application that is available on the club website.

E. Members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible, at least once per calendar year.






A. The Club shall hold regularly scheduled meetings at least once per calendar quarter. The days, times, and places of each meeting will be set by the Directors after consultation with, and approval by, the membership.

B. Issues not involving amendments to the by-laws shall be decided by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting.

C. Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.

D. The Directors shall meet when needed. All meetings of the Board of Directors must be open. The Board shall, whenever possible, notify the Club's membership of the times and places at which it shall meet, giving at least one week's notice except when such advanced notice is not practical. Members may speak at the Directors meeting at the discretion of the Board of Directors.



A. A nominating committee composed of three (3) Club members in good standing, who are not current Directors will be appointed by the Director presiding at the last regular meeting in the third quarter of the year. The committee shall submit a proposed slate of Directors to the members via e-mail, within thirty (30) days after the committee has been selected. At the first meeting of the fourth quarter, a request for nominations from the floor shall be entertained. Prior to any nomination, the person being nominated shall have been previously canvassed to confirm that they will run if nominated and also serve if elected.

B. Balloting shall be done at the last meeting of the fourth quarter by secret written ballot. A candidate shall be elected to a Board seat by a simple majority of votes cast. If there is only one candidate for a Board seat, the presiding officer at that meeting shall cast one vote for the candidate.



A: Board members will determine which Board member shall chair the Club meeting. This can be done on a rotation basis.

B: Treasurer - The treasurer shall be selected by the Board members and shall perform the following duties:


  1.    Receive and disburse all Club funds as directed by the Board,                         committee chairpersons, or the Club membership in accordance with the     procedures described within these by-laws.


   2.    Maintain and keep accurate, current, and detailed records of all financial              transactions to which the Club is a party.



   3.    Provide a detailed financial statement showing the financial position, and           cash received and disbursed from the last regularly scheduled meeting.              The accounting period will end on the last day of the month immediately            preceding the regularly scheduled meeting. A copy will be included and              maintained with the regular meeting minutes. The books shall be                          accessible to any bona fide Club member to inspect.  No information                    concerning the Club's financial status shall be given outside                                normal Club channels without the express permission of the Directors.                No document shall leave the possession of the Treasurer without the                    express permission of the Directors.              

   4.   At the completion of the term of office, turn over all materials and                        information to the incoming Treasurer in a timely manner. A signed                       confirmation by the incoming Treasurer of all materials being received                 shall be completed and filed with the Club Recording Secretary.

C: Recording Secretary - The Recording Secretary shall be selected by the Directors, on a rotational basis, and shall perform the following duties:

   1.   Keep, maintain, and store an accurate record of all Club meeting minutes            and attendance. Keep originals or copies, as appropriate, of all                             correspondence relating to Club business. A scribe may be appointed to             take meeting minutes and attendance.

   2.   Keep a copy of all amateur radio licenses issued to the Club.

   3.   Keep copies of the current Club charter and any amendments as well as              the current Club by-laws and any documents relating to these items.

   4.   No original documents in the custody of the Recording Secretary may be            transferred, assigned, or given to any other party without the express                   permission of the Directors. Should information be required, photocopies           ONLY shall be provided and ONLY with the express permission of the                   Directors. Documents having legal or historical significance shall be                   stored and protected in an appropriate manner.

   5.  At the completion of the term of office, turn over all materials and                        information to the incoming Recording Secretary in a timely manner. A                signed confirmation by the incoming Recording Secretary of all materials            being received shall be completed and filed with the Club Records.

D: Corresponding Secretary - A Director shall handle the correspondence of the Club. Any correspondence which may bind, commit, or encumber the Club in any way shall be cleared through the full Board of Directors prior to being issued. 



A: A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of all directors currently holding office.

B: A quorum at any regularly scheduled Club meeting shall consist of the voting members present.



Directors shall appoint all committee chairpersons, standing or otherwise. Each committee shall have a chairperson. The chairperson shall serve at the pleasure of the Directors. The committee chairperson, with the advice and consent of the Directors, shall appoint members of their respective committees. The club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations.



A. Any voting member may submit a proposed amendment to the by-laws or constitution at any regular meeting of the Club. Such proposals must be written, and signed by five voting members of the Club, and must be given to the Director presiding at the regular meeting.

B. At the next meeting of the Board of Directors, the proposed amendment shall be presented. The Directors will then discuss it and recommend either adoption or rejection of the proposed amendment, including in the recommendation the reasons for adoption or rejection. A decision on a recommendation may be postponed until the next meeting of the Board if the Board feels that additional investigation is required.

C. At the first regular meeting of the Club following the decisive meeting of the Board, the officer presiding at the meeting shall present to the Club the Board's recommendation on the proposed amendment to these By-laws. The only action the Club may take at this time is to set a date, time, and place at which a vote on the proposed amendment shall occur.

D. The proposed amendment shall be sent in a special mailing (or e-mail) to the entire Club membership or as an inclusion in the Club's monthly newsletter. Another notice shall be sent at least fifteen days prior to the meeting of the Club at which the vote on the proposed amendment shall occur. The notice shall include the proposed amendment and supporting commentary, and the Board's recommendations and comments.

E. At the meeting of the Club at which the vote on the proposed amendment shall occur, a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum present in favor of the proposed amendment is required to adopt it.

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